Saturday, September 30, 2006

Debut Shows, Tall Cool Ones, Pods, and Swedes

Hello Zoneheads,
I trust we find you in fine form this weekend.

Well, whilst our Mr Reece settles into an all expenses paid Courier type affair courtesy of his Radio buddies and bathes in the luxury of a Suite overlooking Stockholm Harbour (lucky devil - not a room, but a SUITE !!!!), we efficiently press on here at AZ Towers, with news of Debut Programmes, more on the Pod, and this Weekends Playlists for you too.

I spoke to the Scotsman late yesterday evening, and he can stay in Stockholm until Sunday evening if he wishes, although he is considering coming back today, Saturday, such is the backlog of work piling up, after all, a week of 'Live' Radio in Slovakia too has meant we all have to catch up on a few things back at base.
If I was him, I'd stay there for the full experience and come back as late as possible !
But, we'll see if he wanders in here to AZ Towers later today, or not.

In the meantime, he has left me with News and plenty of AZ things for you, so here goes...

Firstly, we are all delighted as our very own AZ Pixie, namely, Katrine, returns with her 4th Programme for The Album Zone.
This is not due to be aired worldwide until the 14th of October, but the powers that be have decided that it's such an excellent show that we simply must put it on the Pod early.
So, for your delectation, the new Katrine Show will be on the Pod, on Sunday, 1st October, as a sneak advance preview for you all...

Check it out ! You know where to find it...


Ah, a new recruit !
We welcome Barry De Foyle to The Album Zone, as his 1st Programme airs for us tonight, Saturday 30th September, via, and on Sky 0195 (and various AM and FM European frequencies) at 21.00 hrs (UK time) tonight. Barry's debut will also appear on our Pod, tomorrow, 1st October.

The return of Johnny Reece - Sunday Night from AZ Towers :
Our well travelled Scotsman will be back in his usual spot, at Sundays 20.00 hrs (UK time) via RTI and Sky.
Once again, this too will be on our Pod, as of late Sunday evening.
Expect lots of tales from Slovakia !!!

Welcome back too, to the Tall Cool One, as Gil Legine returns to the Zone.
His brand new show will be on our Pod, as of late Sunday evening.

So, there we have it - 4 new Programmes for you to freshen up the Pod by tomorrow - oh, and there's more to come, very shortly.

Meanwhile, below are the Playlists for this weekends Programmes...


The Barry De Foyle Show - Saturday 30th September :

Horslips - Trouble With A Capital 'T'
Aphrodite's Child - Babylon
Slade - Everyday
Suddenly, Tammy ! - Hard Lesson
801 - TNK (Tomorrow Never Knows)
Max Webster - Astonish Me
Ryuichi Sakamoto - Shogunade
Souad Massi - Passe Le Temps (As Time Goes By)
Ether - Watching You
Randy Newman - Little Criminals
Melanie C - You Will See
Hawkwind - Nuclear Drive
Gentle Giant - Words From The Wise
Liane Foly - Demaquillee
Kevin Gilbert - Goodness Gracious
Shang Shang Typhoon - Jungle Beat
Vangelis - Dervish D
Bill Nelson - The World Wakes Up
Dixie Dregs - Take It Off The Top
Pavlov's Dog - Theme From Subway Sue
The Who - Slip Kid
Caravan - Stuck In A Hole
Camel - Echoes
Uriah Heep - The Wizard
Roxy Music - Grey Lagoons
Feeder - Bitter Glass
Public Image Limited - Rise


The Johnny Reece Show - Sunday 1st October :

Roxy Music - Re-Make/Re-Model
Led Zeppelin - Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
Paul McCartney - And I Love Her (Unplugged)
The Who - Substitute
Interpol - Evil
801 - City Of Light
Ladytron - Destroy Everything You Touch
Ian McNabb - Sex With Someone You Love
New Order - Ruined In A Day
Steve Miller Band - Italian X-Rays
Tyrannosaurus Rex - Salamanda Palaganda
Depeche Mode - Never Let Me Down Again
John Lennon - Crippled Inside
Japan - Fall In Love With Me
Stone Roses - I Wanna Be Adored
Doors - L.A. Woman
Pursuit Of Happiness - Forbidden Fruit
Blue Cat - Maly Chlapec
Ezio - All I Really Want
Lenny Kravitz - You're My Flavour
Dynastie Crisis - Faust '72
Ituana - You Can't Always Get What You Want
Jonathan Richman - Not So Much To Be Loved As To Love
The Pogues - A Pair Of Brown Eyes


And so there we have it, Zoneheads.

As ever, thanks for your support.

Steve Lloyd PR The Album Zone

Blog :
Email :
Alan Whicker ? :
24/7 AZ Music :

Friday, September 29, 2006

Am I a courier or what ?

By the time you read this, I will be in Stockholm.
Ermm, what's going on ?

No, not a Slovak thing, or an RTI thing.
Yeah, Radio-related, but just some colleagues who desperately need some documents signed in an 'in person on behalf of' type of way, as apparently emails or faxes or using the likes of DHL just won't do. They need real signatures - by the end of the weekend.
They need it done today. Who did they think of ? Me !
All paid for of course - although at this point, as I am writing this, I have no idea whether I will be there for 2 hours, 1 day, or 2 days. I will find out shortly ! It could be just a quick turnaround, but naturally, I hope not.

Friday night to Sunday night, with a couple of nights stay at a luxury hotel on their bill, would suit me just fine, thank you very much...
As I need to be back at work on Monday, I really, really hope to stretch their expenses there until Sunday night. Wonder if they'd let me do that ? I'll try !!!
This will put the AZ work back a day or so, but I would catch up with that, in the evenings next week. I just hope I'm not too tired to enjoy the short trip - I'm still recovering from Slovakia !!!

Johnny Reece

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Oh, that all rushed by, far, far too quickly...

That was the week, that was.
How come it rushed by so quickly ? That really is a tad unfair.
So, here I am, back at AZ Towers in London, many thoughts of Slovakia going round my head.
It was one of those 'thinking back' days today, I guess it had to be.
There is only one way to start the day as far as I am concerned, and that is sitting out in the sunshine on the little terrace at Caffe-Time, a fab little place - in fact the RTI Studios are directly above it.
Endless sunny days of around 28 degrees usually began here, with a glass of crystal clear iced water and a wonderful coffee, made and served up by the ever delicious Petra, above.
Now, that's a perfect start to the day.

I thoroughly enjoyed doing the shows over the past week, and to have that immediate interaction was such fun, after all, it had been a while since I had done 'live' radio.
My eternal thanks to my hosts - Eric and Martina - who looked after me so well.
And all the staff at RTI are an amazing group of people.
But, this is true of the Slovak people as a whole too, all very welcoming and friendly.
I cannot wait to go back.

I did a fair amount of people-watching in the town centre yesterday. You can learn a lot by doing that.
There were many, many happy faces, a good atmosphere all round - and that is something often missing from big city living these days. And the town, all over, was immaculate. Litter ? Doesn't happen.
And you know, it was something I did not notice whilst I was there - it only struck me when I returned to London today, and suddenly the massive difference hit me.
Over the week, many streets, shops, places, all became familiar to me, but in a very comfortable way, which was quite unexpected. I felt very much at home.

My thanks to all I met, for making my stay such a hugely enjoyable one.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Art Galleries, Slovakian Bands, and a 4 Hour Show...

Hello all,
it's the early hours of a Tuesday morning, and what a busy day it was, on Monday.
Nicely busy though.
I spent a lovely part of the day in the company of the lovely Majka, lead singer of a local Slovakian Rock Band, called Bluecat.
Needless to say, some Bluecat music will of course find it's way onto AZ Programmes shortly.
Their website is at

A greater part was spent in a local Art Gallery where she works, daytimes, which contained many excellent pieces of work and some fabulous photographs.
The gallery itself is housed in an old, now unused Power Station building - so it is a huge space.
More about the Gallery, in a Blog I will do when I return to London.

On to tonights Show, which was fun, although a reasonably tiring 4 hour 'Live' stint.
Nice to speak to the usual suspects, plus some new Slovak listeners who contacted me for the first time. We had some fun, running a few competitions, and the like.
I spoke to Ezio on air, and chatted all about the new Album, Tour, Gigs, and just about everything else. Great fun.
Later, I called up Zoe (Punkbaby !) at home, and we had a chat on air about future Pogo Sessions Programmes, and of course did an obscene amount of plugging for The Album Zone.

It is so nice to do 'Live' Shows again, though I will be the first to admit that it took me 3 nights to get used to a totally unfamiliar Studio. Once in my stride, I had a wonderful time, and now, I suddenly don't feel like going home.
Ironically, Eric (The Boss !) wanted me out here for a lot longer, but work calls, and I must return to London, on Wednesday. But, I will attempt a quick return to Poprad, if at all possible.

I will be on air at RTI for just 1 hour on Tuesday night, at 20.00 CET, will and return to the UK on Wednesday afternoon.
Thank-you to the regular Zoneheads for all the calls, texts, skypes etc, to the Programmes.
So good that you have been tuning in, every single night that I have been away.
Thank you !

Johnny Reece

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Medicinal things like Mountains, Bananas and Chocolate

Hello Zoneheads,

and thank-you for your messages of 'get well soon' and 'oh no, not that bloody sinus thing again' !
Saturday night was a real no-no, as far as doing a Show was concerned. Such was the situation that I genuinely feared I would be heading home, with no more shows. But no, a cure, for the moment, was found. Permanent ? Well, I don't think so, but today was a minor miracle in terms of feeling ok - thanks to the care and attention of good friends old and new, including Eric and Martina, who have looked after me, and today, took me on a trip up into the mountains, oh, I tell you, the clean air !

A brisk, well, very long walk, a fabulous dinner, some good ol' Slovak medicine, and chocolate covered banana (!!!) and I felt a lot better and bounded into the Studio at just after 21.00 hours CET, to do my usual Sunday spot, though this time 'Live', of course.
Oh sure, a few sinus twinges and dizziness come back and forth, as expected, but absolutely nothing like yesterday, when I just wanted to curl up and hide away, it was so bad.
Tonight, I wanted to play records loudly. A lot.

And thanks to those of you - you know who you are - for your messages, and all the calls, Skypes, and SMS's that came into the Studio tonight. Marvellous fun.
I'm hoping to feel ok for Monday evening - in fact I'd better, as it's a 4 hour one, beginning at 21.00 CET.
As for Blogs, there's now an RTI one too - do check it out.

It's at, loads of pics, and don't forget, where you can put 'radio rti' into the search box and find all sorts of goodies on video. Go for it !

Johnny Reece

'Live' Show tonight, Sunday, 21.10 hrs CET approx

The Johnny Reece Show will be broadcast 'Live' from RTI Poprad, at approx 21.10 hrs CET (20.10 UK) this evening, Sunday 24th September...

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Johnny Reece taken ill in Slovakia

Hello to you all - Steve Lloyd reporting this time.

Not great news, as we report that Johnny Reece has been taken ill whilst in Slovakia.
Yes, for those that know the history - you guessed it - Sinusitis - although this time it is really quite severe. It was 'hinting' at an attack the last few days, but was kept at bay.
That was, until yesterday. Quite how Johnny managed to do the 'smooch' Show on Friday night is really anyone's guess.
There was going to be an extra 'Live' Show from Johnny tonight, Saturday, but that had to be shelved, as was the trip to Poland he was looking forward to so much.
We wish him well.
Tomorrow, Sunday, he is due to be a VIP guest at the next home match of the local football team, FK Poprad, at 15.00 hours local time.
Obviously, we're unsure whether he'll make that or not.
Let's hope so.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery !
I'm sure he would appreciate any messages - to

Meanwhile, this does throw the remaining special 'Live Album Zone' shows into some jeopardy.
This really is a case of wait and see, I'm afraid.
If he feels a measly 1% better, I'm pretty sure he will drag himself in front of that mixer and put those headphones on, if he is allowed to do so.

The schedule, if it goes ahead, will be the usual Sunday time - 20.00 UK 21.00 CET, for 2 hours.

Then, an extra 4 hour special is planned for Monday, 20.00 UK, 21.00 CET.

A quick goodbye on Tuesday evening, 1 hour only, 20.00 UK, 21.00 CET, before he is scheduled to return to the UK on Wednesday.

If we can, we'll keep you posted - but always best to tune to at the above times (or to Sky 0195) and you'll hear for yourself, if he's made it there. Let's hope so.
Any extra news we get, I will post here.

Get well soon Guv'nor !

Steve Lloyd PR The Album Zone
Emasil for 'Live' Shows until 26th September :

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Album Zone 'Live' Programmes - Schedule

Ok, ok, I know what's happening now.
Bit of a last minute chaos thing today, hence not being able to tell you of the sudden 20.00CET 'Live' start tonight - although, bless ya, various Zoneheads were there in evidence, as many emails, texts, and Skypes came through. Thanks to Steve, Rhonda, Jia, Kirstin, Fawn, Babes, Al & KT, Steve R., Jim & Susie and many more for tuning in and saying Hi, tonight.
The next few days 'live' Scheds of the Johnny Reece Show, on and Sky 0195, direct from Slovakia, are looking like this :

Friday 22 Sep : 19.00 UK, 20.00 CET. 2 Hour Programme. (Smoochy Soul for a change !).
Sunday 24 Sep : 20.00 UK, 21.00 CET. 2 Hour Programme.
Monday 25 Sep : 20.00 UK, 21.00 CET. 4 Hour Programme.
Tuesday 26 Sep : 19.00 Uk, 20.00 CET. 1 Hour Programme.

To get in touch whilst the Programme is running :

Email :
Skype : rtipoprad
SMS : 0907 417 497 (outside Slovakia +421 907 417 497 - and it's standard rate !).

After that, we allege normal service will return.


Not sure when, as yet...

Thursday, and I have no idea when I'll be on air tonight - not sure how the Scheds are going, but I'll find out later. Could be 8pm, 9pm, 10pm... whatever.
The reason for that is a big conference presentation of sorts happening, and I've been asked to help on the sound desk for that - so all that has taken up a bit of priority, this afternoon.
If I get time, I'll post the 'on air' time as soon as I know. Otherwise, just tune in and keep listening !


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Slovakia, and deserved days off !!!

To one and all, hello from Slovakia !!!
Just arrived a few hours ago, a bit tired and weary, as I was up until 2am preparing music I wanted to bring here, for the shows. Then, due to an early flight, I had to get up at 4am.
Something tells me it will catch up with me later tonight !
I'm in RTI as I write this, and pictured above, there's myself and Petra, followed by a pic of me with the Sound guys, Vlado and Ivan, and finally, me with the strikingly luscious Lucia.
As for tonight - I won't be guesting on Erics Show, as planned. In fact, there won't be an Eric Show tonight - he has decided our time would be much better spent this evening, going out for eats and drinks around the town. Sounds ok to me !
However, I am definitely on air, the evenings of Thursday, Friday, Sunday, and Monday.
All of them 'Live' to the world, of course. And don't forget - Friday is the 'Smooch' Show.
More reports to follow soon !

milovat', Johnny xx

Sunday, September 17, 2006

So, is this the Johnny Reece World Tour or what ?

Hello all,
here is a quick update on the special 'Live' Album Zone programmes coming up this week, together with a few AZ schedule changes, because of these.
Much will be arranged at the last minute, or, in fact, once Johnny Reece gets to Poprad, but we do now have a basic outline of what is happening.

As ever, the Programmes are available worldwide via, and on Sky 0195.
Oh, and there's a 'Live Studio Webcam' on the RTI front page too.

On Wednesday, 20th September, Johnny will be a guest on the Eric Wiltsher Show, on RTI.
Erics show runs from 19.00 - 22.00 hrs (UK time), and no doubt Johnny will be around for most of the show.

The first 'Album Zone Live Special' will be on the evening of Thursday 21st September.
This will be a regular Album Zone Programme - "the usual nonsense", as Mr Reece says !!!
This is expected to begin at 22.00 hrs (UK time). If that changes - I'll let you know, on this Blog.

The second show is the next evening, Friday 21st September, and will be... wait for it... wait... wait...
'Johnny Reece's Soul Train'. Yes, really ! Smoochy Soul, indeed. Just for a change.
This is expected to begin at 22.00 hours (UK).

Saturday night - 23rd September - Johnny will have the night off.
He'll be partying in Poland ! The cheek of it !
An Album Zone Programme will be played though - the new Show from Richard Bismarck, his first since returning from his Norwegian jaunt. That will be aired at 21.00 (UK).

Johnny is back in the studio chair on Sunday evening, 24th September, for his regular Album Zone spot, though of course, 'Live' this time, and he'll be there at 20.00 hrs (UK).

Monday too, 25th September, looks like another 'Live' Zone.
Word is this may be an earlier 20.00 hrs (UK) start this time, but of course I'll let you know.
Keep an eye on this Blog !
As for Tuesday - there could be another - we're not sure yet.

But, how to get in touch directly with the Studio - these are 'Live', remember.
It's easy !

To email the Studio during these 'Live' Shows :
To SMS : + 421 907 417 497
If you've got Skype - just send a message to : rtipoprad

There may well be a Live Phone number on 1 or 2 shows too, we'll know nearer the time.


As for our Saturday via RTI Schedules, they now look like this :

23rd September : Richard Bismarck
30th September : Barry De Foyle
7th October : Zoe Street
14th October : Katrine

Following these, Andy Miles, Rich Phoenix, and the welcome return, shortly, of Gil Legine.

That's all the news that's unfit to print, right now.
A week or so after returning from Poprad, Johnny Reece has some work in Paris too, though this is not Album Zone based. But my guess is, you'll hear all about it !

Thanks, as ever, for your support.

Steve Lloyd PR The Album Zone

Blog :
Email :
24/7 Music :
Sex Lies and Videotape :

Friday, September 15, 2006

THE ALBUM ZONE - 'Live' to the World - Next Week !!!!

Bonsoir Zoneheads, how are things ?

I have such a multitude of things to tell you about today, so I had better get on with it.
Everything from Programme News to Playlists to exclusive news about Special 'Live' Album Zone Programmes.

Our news is like London Buses - all coming along at once, yes ?



Yes, you read that correctly. Oh, and Zoneheads - it's sooner than you think.

Johnny Reece will present a minimum of FOUR (possibly more !!!) special Album Zone Programmes - 'Live' from the RTI Studios in Poprad, Slovakia, next week.This deal has just been done in the last few hours, so this really is hot off the press.

Johnny flies out to Poprad on Wednesday morning, 20th September, to spend a week in Slovakia, and in all probability, he will guest on the Eric Wiltsher Programme via RTI, that very evening.

Then, for at least 4 out of the following 6 evenings, Johnny will broadcast 'Live' from the RTI Poprad Studios, around the World.
Final details to follow - all the details will appear right here, first, so do keep an eye on this Blog !!!.

What I can confirm though, is that the 2 usual AZ spots at weekends via RTI, Saturday and Sunday evenings, will of course now be 'Live', though with a slight difference.

As ever, the Sunday (24th September) will be 'Johnny Reece's Album Zone', but the day before, Saturday night, will feature 'Johnny Reece's Soul Train' - which Johnny requested to do, as he wished to do something a little different for the Saturday night spot.

Bear in mind too - listeners will be able to email, text, or use Skype to contact the Studio, during these one-off special Live Programmes.

Arrangements are still being made for which other evenings Johnny will be doing 'Live' programmes - though it is expected to be Friday, and possibly Monday too. But, of course - you'll read about it here first !

So do check back here often - we'll have all the details for you, in a proper Schedule format, just after this weekend.


Now, on to other Programme news. Four new Shows for the Pod !

The 4th Show from Katrine is being prepared, and this will be on our Pod first, before being broadcast anywhere else. Also, the new show from Rich Phoenix will be with us before the week is out, and, once again, it will feature on our Pod first. Richard Bismarck is back from his trip to Norway, and his newie is queuing up for attention too, as is the newie from Andy Miles.
Every one of these, will be on the Pod within days...


Playlists :

Here goes, the playlists for this weekends Programmes are here for you now, in advance.

Firstly, the Rich Phoenix Show, which will be broadcast via RTI, on at 21.00 hrs Saturday night (and on Sky 0195 at the same time).
Then, the playlist for the Johnny Reece Show, on Sunday, on the same frequencies, at 20.00 hrs.
All times quoted, are UK time.



Playlist : Saturday 16th September 2006 :

Big Country -
Fields Of Fire

Tom Petty - The Last D.J.
The Raconteurs - Steady As She Goes
Ramones - We Want The Airwaves
Jimi Hendrix Experience - If Six Was Nine
Rod Stewart - Lost In You
Curved Air - Back Street Luv
Roxy Music - Over You
Louis XIV - Pledge Of Allegiance
Roy Wood - Forever
Donovan - Sunshine Superman
Josh Rouse - Princess On The Porch
Syd Barrett - Octopus
David Bowie - Sound And Vision
T.Rex - Sunken Rags
Tommy Tucker - Hi Heel Sneakers
Steely Dan - Hey Nineteen
Love Affair - A Day Without Love
The Doors - Roadhouse Blues
Peter Gabriel - Digging In The Dirt
Beach Boys - Then I Kissed Her
The Cardigans - I Need Some Fine Wine, And You, You Need To Be Nicer
R.E.M - Bad Day
Led Zeppelin - Friends
The Kinks - See My Friends
Lovin' Spoonful - Summer In The City
Eagles - Already Gone
Hall & Oates - Method Of Modern Love
Rolling Stones - You Can't Always Get What You Want
The Beatles - You're Going To Lose That Girl



Playlist : Sunday 17th September 2006 :

Morrissey -
Alsatian Cousin

Malcolm McLaren feat. Gina - Call A Wave
David Bowie - Breaking Glass ('Live')
The Kinks - I'm Not Like Everybody Else
Jethro Tull - When Jesus Came To Play
Love Is All - Talk Talk Talk Talk
Elvis Costello & The Attractions - Watch Your Step
Pink Floyd - Cymbaline
World Party - All I Gave
The Bevis Frond - Nursery Rhyme
The Beatles - Fixing A Hole
Joni Mitchell - Sex Kills
Debbie Harry & Iggy Pop - Well, Did You Evah !
Koop - Glomd
Idle Race - The Lady Who Said She Could Fly
Atomic Rooster - Tomorrow Night
Lloyd Cole - Woman In A Bar
Bryan Ferry - Taxi
George Harrison - Apple Scruffs
The Young Persons Guide To Being A Rockstar, The Band - Why Won't You Shag Me ?
Rolling Stones - Heaven
Marc Bolan - Eastern Spell
Warren Zevon - Werewolves Of London
Barry Adamson - Theresa Green
Sparks - No More Mr. Nice Guys
Matthews Southern Comfort - Woodstock
Cowboy Junkies - Dark Hole Again
Ezio - Ten Thousand Bars


So, we look forward, next week, to 'Tales from Slovakia', from Mr. Reece.

Meanwhile, thanks as ever, for your support.

Steve Lloyd PR The Album Zone

Blog :
Email :
Tales of the Unexpected :
24/7 Music - chosen by us ! -

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Glades, Playlists, and the usual nonsense

Hello all, and welcome to the weekend.

What a strange week, with AZ Towers being very quiet, indeed, deserted at times.
So, I hold the fort at the moment, with what's to come this weekend, programme wise, about to be revealed.
But what of recent days ?
Very good to hear the return of Rich Phoenix, after a long while. The Pod went download crazy for a while as Rich's first show in eons hit the airwaves. And - there's another one to come, in about a weeks time. Ok ?
I mentioned not too long ago, of our Nordic tripper, Richard Bismarck. He has returned from the fjords, safe and well, and there is no doubt he will tell you all about it, on his next programme. This, too, will be with you shortly.
And once again in your ears soon, will be Zoe Street, who returns to AZ Towers next week.

What a strange week meanwhile, for our MC, Mr Reece.
To say so many changes have hit him all at once could be something of an understatement. To cap all that, he has not been around at AZ Towers too much, owing to a sudden sinus virus attack (yes, again !).
He knows the symptoms by now - he could feel this one approaching, so he rushed in here to get a show 'in the can' as it were, as quickly as possible.
Not sure how he managed it, but he did.
But, with approaching high temps, giddiness, pain, all sorts of nonsense - a radio studio isn't exactly what the doctor would order, so kudos to the Scotsman for rushing in here before the symptoms would take their full effect.
They did, a couple of days ago - but happily, he's on the mend now.
What a week.

This weekend ?
Ah yes, those AZ Programmes.

Saturday night, 9th September, via RTI and Sky, we have the recent jointly hosted show from 'The Glades' (also known as AZ Studio 2), featuring Johnny Reece and Andy Miles.
Lots of gossip, and reminiscences about Radio 6, MNO, and the like.

Sunday night, as ever, again via RTI and Sky, it's the Johnny Reece Show.
You'll hear it at 20.00hrs (UK time), via, and on Sky Satellite channel 0195.
Ah yes, the playlist for this weekends Reecey Soiree ?
Here goes... :


Robert - Les Cliches De L'Ennui
Elvis Costello & The Attractions - You Little Fool
T.Rex - There Was A Time / Raw Ramp / Electric Boogie
Tubeway Army - This Is My Life
Murgatroyd Band - Magpie
Primitive Radio Gods - Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand
Cockney Rebel - What Ruthy Said
Napoleon XIV - They're Coming To Take Me Away, Ha ! Ha !
Yann Tiersen - J'y Suis Jamais Alle
David Bowie - Queen Bitch
Bill Nelson's Red Noise - Furniture Music
Be Bop Deluxe - Crying To The Sky
Morrissey - November Spawned A Monster
Airhead - Funny How
The Byrds - My Back Pages
Puss n' Boots - I Want Your Love
10.C.C - Une Nuit a Paris
Merz - Warm Cigarette Room
Johnny Zero & The London Angels - Why Don't You Telephone (early 1998 Demo Mix)
Everything But The Girl - Before Today
Jefferson Airplane - Plastic Fantastic Lover
Roxy Music - In Every Dream Home A Heartache
Emily Trex - Doing Time (Demo)
Renaud Papillon Paravel - Fais Moi Une Fleur
Simon And Garfunkel - Save The Life Of My Child
Lightning Seeds - I Wish I Was In Love
Paul McCartney (feat. Elvis Costello) - You Want Her Too
Brian Eno - The True Wheel
Charlotte Gainsbourg - Beauty Mark
Peggy Lee - Is That All There Is ?


Have a nice weekend everyone, and thank-you for your support.

Steve Lloyd PR The Album Zone

Blog :
Email :
24/7 Music :
Tales Of The Unexpected :

Saturday, September 02, 2006

It's Those Weekend Playlists !

Hello all, and welcome to the weekend.
Time was, when we would upload the playlists for the weekend Album Zone Shows just as the Programmes were about to finish, we thought it was the way to do it.
However, many emails later from the Zoneheads of the Universe seems to have convinced us otherwise - you like the playlists up front.

So, with that in mind - here goes.

Two AZ Shows this weekend as ever, and firstly, on Saturday night, this week we hear from Katrine.

Then, on Sunday night, we have Johnny Reece.

Want the details ? Off we go...


Saturday 2nd September 2006 and Sky 0195, 21.00 UK (22.00 CET)

The Katrine Show :

Blondie - Sunday Girl
Buzzcocks - What Do I Get ?
Cumshot Hookers - Pissdrunk
Television - Prove It
The Contours - Do You Love Me ?
American Hi-Fi - The Breakup Song
Ramones - I Want You Around
Soundtrack Of Our Lives - Believe I've Found
The Cribs - Thing Aren't Gonna Change
Gang Of Four - Damaged Goods
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Howl
Mando Diao - God Knows
Rita Marley - Let It Be
Franz Ferdinand - This Boy
Hanoi Rocks - Dear Miss Lonely Hearts
The Concretes - Sunbeam
No Use For A Name - For Fiona
Arctic Monkeys - No Buses
Rolling Stones - Out Of Time
Libertines - Can't Stand Me Now
Aretha Franklin - I Say A Little Prayer
Barbara Streisand & Donna Summer - No More Tears (Enough Is Enough)
The Kooks - Sofa Song
Death Cab For Cutie - What Sarah Said
The Chalets - Theme From Chalets
White Stripes - Forever For Her
Weezer - Buddy Holly
The Plan - Young And Armed
The Thrills - Your Love Is Like Las Vegas
Paola - Fine Without You
The Knife - Marble House
The Subways - No Goodbyes


Sunday 3rd September 2006 and Sky 0195, 20.00 UK (21.00 CET)

The Johnny Reece Show :

Les Fleurs De Lys - Circles
Peter Gabriel - Intruder
Don Drummond & The Skatalites - Street Corner
Machine Gun Fellatio - Drug Sex
The Factory - Path Through The Forest
Ramones - Oh Oh I Love Her So
Arcade Fire - Tunnels
The Beatles - I Am The Walrus

Dean Martin & Helen O'Connell - How D'ya Like Your Eggs In The Morning ?
Bedouin Soundclash - When The Night Feels My Song
Charlotte Gainsbourg - The Songs That We Sing
Stranger Cole & Patsy Todd - When I Call Your Name
Gwen Stefani - Cool
Sparks - Frankly Scarlett, I Don't Give A Damn
The Accent - Red Sky At Night
Lefty Frizell - Ho Ho Silver (Look Away)
Roxy Music - Mother Of Pearl
R.E.M - Make It All Ok
Ice - Ice Man
Enon - Daughter In The House Of Fools
Depeche Mode - A Question Of Lust
The End - Shades Of Orange
The Shangri-las - Dressed In Black
Malcolm McLaren - Pere Lachaise
I Am Kloot - A Strange Arrangement Of Colour
Nineironspitfire - Dead
Tyrannosaurus Rex - Dove
Mercury Rev - Goddess On A Highway
The Tomboys - I'd Rather Fight Than Switch
The Cure - There Is No If
Queen Adreena - Soda Dreamer
April Stevens - Teach Me, Tiger
The Waterboys - A Man Is In Love


Thanks, as ever, for your support.

Steve Lloyd PR The Album Zone

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