Saturday, October 27, 2007

Remake and Remodel

Mr and Mrs Zoneheads, a fine weekend to you all.
I'm at AZ Towers, and as I look at the Stu... oh, hang on. Where is it ?
Yes, it's that time. The big Studio move happens over the next 48 hours or so. Indeed, this is a super-fast update, because as soon as I've completed this little hello, the PCs are to be disconnected and relocated too.
The actual 'move' itself isn't the problem (we hope !), it's the aftermath of it, with a redesign of the whole space around it. That doesn't need to be rushed - but the Studio itself needs to be up and running again very quickly.
So, excuse this short sharp update... things to do !
Tonight, our man in NJ, Rich Phoenix, bursts back onto the airwaves via RTI ( and simultaneously on Sky Satellite, channel 0195. That's at 21.00 hours, UK time.
Tomorrow, Sunday, Johnny Reece is in his usual slot, same frequencies, at 20.00 hours.
As ever, our Programmes continue through the week via Radio Seagull at 18.00 hours on Mon, Tue, Wed ( with Johnny Reece, Rich Phoenix, and Zoe Street-Howe, respectively.
Repeats of those later in the week and at a more convenient hour for our Stateside listeners, but I'll be back here midweek to tell you all about that.
Just time to say, have a great weekend.
Now, where's that toolbox ?
Steve Lloyd PR The Album Zone